BeWhere Holdings Inc. and Nika Industries LLC Awarded GPS Tracking Contract for New York City

TORONTO, ON. April 20, 2021 – BeWhere  (TSX-V: BEW, OTCQB: BEWFF) (“BeWhere” or the “Company”), a MobileInternet of Things (M-IoT) solutions provider, is pleased to announce the Company was awarded a contract from New York City for the “BeSol” and “BeTen” GPS tracking solutions.

The bid, available for review in the NYC database, was issued late 2019 and awarded to BeWhere’s distributor, Nika Industries LLC in the amount of US$194,322.25 in February 2020 and finalized in April 2021. Nika Industries LLC is a wholesaler and minority owned business specializing in municipal procurement with offices in New York City. The procurement contract created under the bid also allows Nika Industries LLC to provide BeWhere’s devices to all of the City’s participating agencies for a period of five years.

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