GSMA Mobile IoT Innovators- BeWhere Success Story

Backed by over 90 of the leading global mobile operators and vendors, and uniting over 2500 members from more than 1500 companies, the GSMA Mobile IoT Innovators are the voice of a vibrant and fast-growing ecosystem.
We have seen great success stories from engaged members, such as BeWhere Inc., an early member since 2017 since the company started working on Mobile IoT solutions. BeWhere have actively participated in the community and technology showcases, building valuable relationships around the world and leveraging the platform for increased visibility in the wider market. The company is now working with over 10 mobile operators globally, and in less than a year since the launch of their Mobile IoT solutions, has secured tens of thousands Mobile IoT product orders and a $4 million capital raise that included a major operator, seeing their revenues more than double year over year, from $1.7M to $3.6M.
Mobile IoT Innovators membership is open to all developers and companies interested in or already working with Mobile IoT technologies.