Category: Business update

BeWhere Holdings Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year-end Financial Results and Provides Business Update

Toronto, Ontario (FSCwire) – (TSX-V: BEW, OTCQB: BEWFF) (“BeWhere” or the “Company” an Industrial Internet of Things (“IIOT”) solutions company that designs and sells hardware with sensors and software applications to track real-time information on movable assets.  The company develops mobile applications, middle-ware and cloud based solutions that stand-alone or that can be readily integrated with existing software, announces its financial results for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2017.


  • Revenues increased by over 748% year over year, and 504% quarter over quarter – Revenues for the three months ended December 31, 2017 were $443 thousand compared to $88 thousand for the three months ended December 31, 2016: an increase of $355 thousand (504%). For the twelve months ended December 31, 2017, revenues were $1,686 thousand compared to $225 thousand for the twelve months ended December 31, 2016: an increase of $1,461 thousand (748%).
  • Gross Profit continues to trend higher – Gross profits for the twelve months ended December 31, 2017 was $332 thousand compared to $57 thousand for the twelve months ended December 31, 2016: an increase of 580%. Gross profits increased primarily as a result of increased product and solution deliveries in the quarter and the positive effect of scaling the Company’s shipments as part of previously announced customer wins.
  • Working Capital remains healthy – At December 31, 2017, the Company had a working capital balance improved and amounted to $3,640 thousand, including cash of $3,205 thousand. This compares favorably with the working capital balance of $1,765 thousand, including cash of $1,824 thousand at December 31, 2016.
  • On November 9, 2017 BeWhere, Bell Canada and Huawei together with The Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne announced the successful completion of the first Low-Powered Wide Area (“LPWA”) cellular case study at Henry Pelham Winery in Pelham, Ontario show casing BeWhere’s disruptive technology for environmental monitoring

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BeWhere Holdings Inc. Announces Appointment of Permanent Chief Financial Officer and Secretary and Provides Update on Mobile World Congress 2018

Toronto, Ontario (FSCwire) – BeWhere Holdings Inc. (TSXV-BEW) (“BeWhere” or the “company”) announces that Mr. Rajiv Khanna has been appointed as the company’s permanent Chief Financial Officer and Secretary superseding Mr. Mark Kohler who graciously held the office on an Interim basis as the company secured a full-time permanent candidate.

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BeWhere Holdings Inc. Announces PTCRB Certification and The Commercial Launch in North America of the First of its Kind Mobile IoT Devices for Asset Tracking and Environmental Sensing using LTE-M

Toronto, ON, December 19, 2017 – BeWhere Holdings Inc. (TSX-V: BEW, OTCQB: BEWFF) (“BeWhere” or the “Company”) today announces it has received PTCRB industry certification for its Mobile IoT beacons, paving the way for the commercial launch of these cellular devices in North America.  BeWhere’s M-IoT beacons are small rugged devices, either solar or battery powered, that attach to non-powered mobile or fixed assets. The devices then transfer location and sensor data through Low Power Wide Area (“LPWA”) cellular networks to BeWhere’s secure cloud platform. BeWhere’s state-of-the-art sensors gather and deliver the environmental and situational information that gives visibility into the near real-time status of assets/equipment. Protected by industrially-hardened packaging, they measure location, light, battery, temperature, impact, barometric pressure and humidity from both the environment and the asset itself.  BeWhere’s innovative and flexible design allows sensors to be customized to fit customers’ specific needs such as flood detection.  BeWhere M-IoT beacons are the first of their kind cellular devices using LTE-M in North America and will be offered at a cost point never seen before, opening a large untapped market.

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BeWhere Holdings Inc. Reports 3rd Quarter Financial Results Hit Record Revenue Level – 804% Year-over-Year Nine Month Growth


  • Revenues increased by over 804% year over year, and 75% quarter over quarter – Revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2017 were $707 thousand compared to $42 thousand for the three months ended September 30, 2016: an increase of $665 thousand (1,583%). For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, revenues were $1,244 thousand compared to $138 thousand for the nine months ended September 30, 2016: an increase of $1,106 thousand (804%).
  • Gross Profit continues to trend higher – Gross profits for the three months ended September 30, 2017 were $218 thousand compared to $22 thousand for the three months ended September 30, 2016: an increase of $196 thousand (891%), as the Company scaled its shipments as part of previously announced customer wins.
  • Working Capital remains healthy and cash level increases – The Company increased its cash balance by $163 thousand in the third quarter, and had a working capital balance of approximately $1.35 million at quarter end.
  • On September 11, 2017 BeWhere’s Chief Executive Officer Owen Moore presented at the 5th GSMA Global Mobile IoT Summit in San Francisco.
  • On October 11, 2017 the Company announced that it had raised a total of $2,149,500 from the successful completion of its private placement financing, whereby the Company issued 7,165,000 common shares.
  • On October 13, 2017 BeWhere announced the implementation and rollout of an advanced mobile safety solution, providing enhanced security for Brinks Canada Operations.
  • On November 9, 2017 BeWhere, BELL, and Huawei, together with The Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne, announced the successful completion of the first Low-Powered Wide Area (“LPWA”) cellular case study at Henry Pelham Winery in Pelham, Ontario show casing BeWhere’s disruptive technology for environmental monitoring.

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Kathleen Wynn Video Interview: This morning I was at Henry of Pelham in St. Catharines to see an innovative piece of technology.

This morning I was at Henry of Pelham in St. Catharines to see an innovative piece of technology. It seems a bit surprising that a winery would be the place to look for innovative tech, but ‎the small environmental monitoring device they're using will give the winery a big boost in production.The project is the impressive result of a collaboration between Henry of Pelham, BeWhere, Huawei, and Bell‎, and it's international partnerships like this that are the reason I go on trade missions. They create innovative opportunities here in Ontario. I'll be travelling to China and Vietnam later this month with over 100 delegates, and I can't wait to see the opportunities and partnerships that grow out of this mission. ‎

Posted by Kathleen Wynne on Thursday, November 9, 2017

Smart Tech Winery Pilot Highlights Ontario-Chinese Business Partnership

Environmental Monitoring Technology Will Help Boost Production at Ontario Winery

Office of the Premier

Premier Kathleen Wynne was at Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery today in Pelham in Niagara Region, as Bell announced a new partnership with Ontario-based BeWhere, an Internet of Things (IoT) solutions company, and China-based tech company Huawei, the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker.

Together, the companies have developed an environmental monitoring solution to help improve the health and quality of plants at the vineyard. The product will use sensors connected to Bell’s LTE-M wireless network to remotely monitor temperature and water levels, automatically adjusting as weather conditions change. The innovative IoT solution will help lower costs, keep more vines alive longer and promote greater sustainability.

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Bell, Huawei and BeWhere bring new Internet of Things solution to Ontario winery

Pilot project with Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery an important step forward in developing IoT smart technology solutions for agriculture

PELHAM, ON, November 9, 2017 – Bell today announced it has partnered with BeWhere Technologies and Huawei to implement an automated Internet of Things (IoT) solution for the Henry of Pelham vineyard to help improve planning and sustainability programs. The announcement took place this morning with the three partners, alongside Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, who highlighted the partnership ahead of her trade mission to China.

“Ontario’s technology sector is leading the way when it comes to developing solutions that can promote sustainability, grow our economy and create opportunities for our people,” said Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario. “This new IoT pilot shows the innovation that can be achieved when internationally recognized companies like Huawei partner with world-class Ontario businesses like Bell Mobility, BeWhere and Henry of Pelham and leverage the incredible talent of our province’s highly skilled workers.”

By using wireless environmental sensors connected to Bell’s LTE-M wireless network, the winery will be able to remotely monitor temperature and water levels, prevent vine disease, and ultimately improve the health of its plants, lowering operating costs and providing for years of maintenance-free data gathering.

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Bell, Huawei et BeWhere mettent au point une nouvelle solution IdO pour un vignoble ontarien

Un projet pilote mené avec le vignoble Pelham Family Estate Winery représente un important pas en avant dans le développement de solutions de technologies intelligentes IdO pour le secteur agricole.

PELHAM (Ontario), le 9 novembre 2017 – Bell a annoncé aujourd’hui la conclusion d’un partenariat avec BeWhere Technologies et Huawei  pour mettre en œuvre des solutions automatisées utilisant l’Internet des objets (IdO) dans le vignoble Henry of Pelham, et aider ainsi cette exploitation viticole à améliorer sa planification et ses programmes de durabilité. L’annonce a été faite ce matin par les trois partenaires accompagnés de la première ministre de l’Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, qui a mis en avant cette collaboration dans la perspective de sa prochaine mission commerciale en Chine.

« Le secteur technologique de l’Ontario fait figure de chef de file dans le domaine de la conception de solutions qui favorisent le développement durable, contribuent à la croissance de notre économie et ouvrent des possibilités à nos concitoyens, a rappelé la première ministre. Ce nouveau projet pilote d’IdO témoigne des niveaux d’innovation qu’il est possible d’atteindre lorsque des entreprises de renommée internationale comme Huawei s’associent à des sociétés ontariennes de calibre mondial comme Bell Mobilité, BeWhere et Henry of Pelham et profitent du talent exceptionnel des travailleurs hautement qualifiés de notre province. » Continue reading

BeWhere and Brink’s Partner to Deliver Solutions for Worker Safety

Toronto, Ontario–(Newsfile Corp. – October 13, 2017) – BeWhere Holdings Inc. (TSXV: BEW) (OTCQB: BEWFF) today announced the implementation and rollout of an advanced Mobile Safety Solution providing enhanced security for Brink’s Canada operations. Brink’s is the world’s premier provider of cash management, secure logistics and security solutions including cash-in-transit, ATM services, cash management services (including vault outsourcing, money processing and intelligent safe services), international transportation of valuables, and payment services. Their global network has operations in 41 countries and serves customers in more than 100 countries.

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